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The v1 Farms and Pools Migration

KuSwap has upgraded contract to a new farming system with referrals, governance and fixes from farm v1 certik audit. As such, you need to migrate to the new type, so you can keep earning!

  • V2 Pool rewards are active, stake your KUS in v2 Pools
  • On Monday 6 UTC, v1 farms and pools will stop emissions, and their v2 counterparts will get a 2x boost.
  • After Monday 6 UTC, you must be in the v2 farms and pools to harvest rewards. Please migrate your farms and pools as early as possible.

If you forgot to migrate to v2 farms or pools; you can do so at any time in the future but without harvest. In short, your liquidity will always be secure and ready for migration.

How to migrate from v1 to V2

Step 1

UnStake your LP tokens from v1

Step 2

Confirm UnStake of available LP tokens from v1

Step 3: Stake in v2 Farms

Head to v2 farms, find your v2 pool and stake the LP tokens:

  1. Enable Pool (if available)

  1. Stake your LP tokens

  1. Confirm

Feel free to reach out in our official support group with any comments or questions.